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roland_l ♡ 33 ( +1 | -1 )
Losing Motivation ... Okay, I'm definately in a big 'motivational slump' here. I've been fulfilling my 'status quo' in playing games, but it's more of a 'chore' these days then a 'joy'. I also havent been doing any studying or game review at all ... for months now ... wheras in the past I did so consistently throughout the week.

Has this happened to others? Did you get over it? What did you do?
kai_sim ♡ 44 ( +1 | -1 )
i had that too...
timed out in games as well.
i fixed it with a looooong loooooooooong vacation...
i then got a motivational kick and then started to improve again. i just recently draw a match against one of my team mates i never won against before!
try 2-3 months vacation on chess, a luxury u should afford once in a while. you may be even addicted (like me) and didn't even realize...
well, anyways, it helped meee :)
ccmcacollister ♡ 165 ( +1 | -1 )
Roland I ...You're not alone. I'm having the same situation as you. But to the point where first game mistakes started showing up. Now even simple annotating seems a chore, and starts to have mistakes. Despite a long PP break, it's not improving. Part of my problem is too many games for me (only 10), I believe. Tho carried twice as many before in the past, typically. But in this frame of mind, seems when there IS an error, it leads to more reluctance to play. Unconfidence in ones moves and analysis.
Finally, even the instant of reaching a winning position seems to become a joyless chore needing to be mapped out with analysis. The solution? I wish I knew. And also welcome any suggestions. I've restarted playing more blitz, to try to put some fun back in it. Not working this time. Nor has changing study vs play balance. Which has done the job in the past. Maybe simply to ask the right questions. But not knowing which ones those are. Right now i'm considering:
1.)What has changed; different now than when I was having fun?
2.)What could Be changed, or added to put some fun back in?
3.)What is being tedious or unrewarding in particular? That might be modified or eliminated?
4.)Perhaps some new goal or goal change? Wherupon at this moment, it occurs to me that I Have No Goals insofar as Chess play is concerned. Hmmm. Maybe thats a problem.
The rest I'm still considering. And about any more self-questions that might be useful.
Good wishes to you on solving yours. Perhaps vacation will do it for you. But I'm certainly interested also, to hear anything anyone has used successfully, or just believes might be helpful?
muppyman ♡ 77 ( +1 | -1 )
Roland, I think this kind of thing can happen to us all. Like so many things in life it possibly comes down to attitude, and attitude is a matter of personal decision, not a matter of circumstances. Someone once gave me this advice "If you want to be happy start acting as if you are happy and watch what happens. " May I just say this, regardless of how we choose to feel from time to time, chess remains the same magnificent, magical, mysterious, exciting, challenging, frustrating, exhilerating, king of games that it has always been and will always be. The bottom line? The game of chess and it's possibilities for you( I am referring to you own comments about your personal aspirations on your stats page) are worthy of your continued application. Hang in there.:)
bucklehead ♡ 117 ( +1 | -1 )
I had a long response to this... ...that I accidentally deleted. Probably for the best. In any event, I had just such a period of malaise a couple of months ago, and I beat it by having an affair--with Go. Chess is work, after all, hard work, and sometimes you need a break, you need something a little different, something that makes your mind go sideways instead of up and down. Chess is art, and art requires inspiration, and if it has become drudgery then your chess will be lifeless. Take a break, but do something similar. Bridge is also nice, though my favorite mistress of all is Cribbage. Keep your mind sharp, and when chess calls you back (and chess always takes you back, no matter your dalliances) you will be ready.

BTW I think this is great chess advice, but really terrible relationship advice. Just for the record.

I also recommend, though it may seem tangential, the extremely relevant WB Yeats poem "Adam's Curse." An excerpt:

"I had a thought for no one�s but your ears:
That you were beautiful, and that I strove
To love you in the old high way of love;
That it had all seemed happy, and yet we�d grown
As weary-hearted as that hollow moon."
jstack ♡ 56 ( +1 | -1 )
If chess is a chore.... why bother? Most of us are not making any money at chess. So if its not fun anymore I don't see the need to continue. Try another hobby for a while. For me it is studying russian language. When I need a break from chess I foocus my energy on learning russian better. It totally takes my mind off of everything and like Bucklehead said eventually chess will call you back. I also would like to add this lack of motivation is why other sports have an offseason. In chess there is always a tournament going on, so it is up to the chessplayer to decide when a break is needed.
kyros60 ♡ 35 ( +1 | -1 )
Maybe your working to hard... Maybe you are forgetting that chess is a game. I know that it helps to win if you study your games but go play a few just for fun dont even worry about the outcome. Or maybe your if your rating is high you need to set a new rating goal, if you dont have a goal to achieve then it could become quite boring.
More: Chess
mormel12 ♡ 11 ( +1 | -1 )
i also did take a break from chess completely, some time back.
it really helped me:)
jstack ♡ 109 ( +1 | -1 )
or maybe... just a break from competitive chess will work. Competitive chess is stressful and too much of it will lead to burn out. Sometimes I get more enjoyment out of studying than playing. Study something that is not too labour intensive. Read a biography of one of your favorite players. If you like Tal...he wrote a autobiography "the life and games of Mihail Tal" He was a professor if literature before he was a professional chess player, so he knows how to write well. His passion for chess really comes through in that book. His passion is likely to be infective. Another good biography by Frank Brady "Bobby Fischer: profile of a prodigy" And if you can find it in a used book store "fireside chess companion" can't remember the author but this collection of short stories about chess is very entertaining. Maybe you could try getting into endgame studies just for the fun of it or maybe a well written tournament book or match book with your favorite players in it. Maybe getting to know the human side of chess will get your motivation back.