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anthonyjohansen ♡ 26 ( +1 | -1 )
Chessmaster or Fritz You may or may not have had this post before, but here goes anyway.

I have chessmaster 9000, is it worth getting fritz as well, or is chessmaster just fine.

I like the coaching that comes with chessmaster.

Thanks in advance

muppyman ♡ 63 ( +1 | -1 )
both are good. I have Chessmaster 9000 also. I have not seen Fritz but I hear that it is very strong. The best advice I can give is that although Chessmaster has coaching, the important thing is NEVER EVER be tempted to seek the programme's help in finding a move in any of your games here in GK. Data bases are permitted of course but seeking advice on a position in an actual game is strictly forbidden here as I understand it. Besides, there are so many free sites on the net with far deeper levels of coaching I think. In any event the 38 games you are playing now should help your practical chess skills a bit.
soikins ♡ 37 ( +1 | -1 )
both are good, Fritz engine is stronger, but it's not so relevant. Chessmaster has better features for beginners, it in cludes lessons, tactical puzzles etc.
Fritz has a better Opening book, it is easier to navigate and it's bigger than Chessmaster's. Fritz's game database is smaller than the one in Chessmaster, but it's faster, easier to navigate and includes more analysed games.
Hope that helps.
maykx ♡ 11 ( +1 | -1 )
If you are... ...more concern on chess coaching..then Chessmaster is the best. I have it and I get the help I need...everytime.
More: Chess
mary875 ♡ 30 ( +1 | -1 )
I own good For my low chess skill, I feel more enjoyable to play against Fritz than against Chessmaster. The latter, lowering its playing level by doing a lot of stupid blunders... Apart from that, I find the interface and tutorial far better in Chessmaster.

Hope this helps, Yannick
soikins ♡ 53 ( +1 | -1 )
mary875 I on the contrary like to play against Chessmaster more than against Fritz. Chessmaster's personalities are interesting -- you can learn how to cope with different styles, opening books etc. Of course, both Fritz and Chessmaster have the same problem when their playing strength is artificielly lowered -- they will make stupid piece hanging moves, but won't hasitate to anounce checkmate in five.
Of course playing against computer is quite different than playing against human.
baseline ♡ 7 ( +1 | -1 )
Hiarcs 9 doesn't play like a human yet, but it's style is more natural.
dysfl ♡ 29 ( +1 | -1 )
Both is worth I'd like to sugget to get both.

Chessmaster has better visual effects and personality. The tutorial and simulated opponents are pretty good to learn and exercise. And Fritz is for analysis of your game in GK. Chessmaster can do it, but Fritz has more features to tailor the analysis to your need at that time.
wadvana ♡ 71 ( +1 | -1 )
Fritz Is a very powerful chess playing partner. Chessmaster serves well as a tutor and coach - which is all well. But as you start to go up the chess ladder, Fritz becomes more economical in terms of strength in analysis. It does a very good job of deep analysis and can also explain moves up to a certain extent.
If you want a regular playing partner and help with the game up to the intermediate level then Stick with Chessmaster.
Fritz is compaitable with Chessbase and so you can create your own personal opening repertoire books and let Fritz play them against you. This is particularly helpful to see the strengths and weaknesses of your own opening repertoire.
In general, Fritz is for serious players.
aeronjohansen ♡ 3 ( +1 | -1 )
Thanks Thanks for all posts

soikins ♡ 29 ( +1 | -1 )
wadwana In Chessmaster you can create a personality which plays like you, create an opening book of your games and attach it to the personality. Then you can play against it. Though, I guarantee you -- there is no fun playing agains your own openings and against your own style... Quite weird actually.
kai_sim ♡ 77 ( +1 | -1 )
well i bought chessmaster last summer and had bad experience. first i started of with a 10min game unorthodox and won ... :-/
then later i discovered even worse:
when i was online i felt bored, because none of my opponents was moving, i started a blitz game against CM9000 and it crashed my computer. i then went to the website and downloaded the patch, supposingly to fix the problem, but it got worse, now i can use chessmaster for like 5min or less without crash, so i havn't touched it since.
support was aware of the problem (...great!...) and suggested to de-/re-install but that didn't help neither.
i'm not sure if others have/had the same problems, but i feel screewed...
...maybe that helped a little

best regards

(my system is strong enough for the requirements and i don't have fritz)
maca ♡ 66 ( +1 | -1 )
Chessmaster 9000 I think it actually is quite good. I haven't encountered any big problems so far (had it about an year). The classroom section is the best, and the games annotated by IM Josh waitzkin are very good material. I aslo enjoyed the endgame course. For better players, competition psychology course is propably very useful.

Database option is very useful, also, but sometimes when i import a game, it crashes (why?).

Only bad experience was the annotation system. It seems to make very strange moves, but that is propably only becouse i can't see why the more obvious option was worse...
